Returning Home Veteran's Resiliency Project
October 20th to December 8th
Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:00pm ET
Returning Home Veteran's Resiliency Project
October 20th to December 8th
Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:00pm ET
Dr. Peter A. Levine's Returning Home and the Veteran’s Resiliency Holistic Clinic have joined forces to present the Returning Home Veteran’s Resiliency Project.
Returning Home Veteran’s Resiliency Project is an eight-week online Somatic Experiencing informed support program for military and other uniformed service veterans suffering from the effects of post traumatic stress and other chronic stress related conditions.
This eight-week program addresses the lingering symptoms of traumatic and chronic stress by offering tools that can be used at home to restore core autonomic nervous system regulation and build resiliency while bringing the heart, mind, and body into balance.
Since 2017 the Veterans Resiliency Holistic Clinic of Richmond, Virginia supports veterans who have experienced the wounds of war. Founder, Karen Henderson, a military veteran herself, retired Veterinarian, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Clinical Herbalist, and Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapist, inspired the vision to help veterans suffering from PTSD restore inner balance and increase resiliency in daily life. The clinic uses a variety of holistic modalities to help relax the nervous system and allow the discharge of “survival” energies that can keep people “stuck” in the traumatic event. VRHC is staffed by a group of volunteers who specialize in cranial sacral therapy, clinical herbalism, reflexology, acupuncture, health and wellness coaching, mindfulness coaching, yoga, zero balancing, and other trauma informed, credentialed practitioners. To learn more about the Veteran's Resiliency Clinic please visit our website: http://www.veteransresiliency.com
Returning Home is an intensive week-long Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) retreat for military veterans presented by Dr. Peter A. Levine's Ergos Community Health SE™. The retreat includes a community outreach program to provide post-retreat SE coaching support for each veteran and a research component to ensure the effectiveness of all future SE™ intensive healing retreats for veterans and military service members.
October 20th to December 8th
Who Should Attend:
Military and other uniformed service member veterans and or on active duty suffering from:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Chronic pain
- Post traumatic stress
- Chronic stress
- Migraines
- Overwhelm
- Burnout
- Anger
- Addiction
- Syndromes
- ....and other stress related symptoms
Our Team
Our Team
Our team is a dedicated group of volunteers who have served in the military or other uniformed service groups, and civilians.
We are a diverse group of trained Somatic Experiencing Practitioners, Life Coaches, Mindfulness-based facilitators, Yoga Teachers, Herbalists, Body Workers, and Acupuncturists, specializing in healing trauma and resolving chronic stress conditions.
Our team is a dedicated group of volunteers who have served in the military or other uniformed service groups, and civilians.
We are a diverse group of trained Somatic Experiencing Practitioners, Life Coaches, Mindfulness-based facilitators, Yoga Teachers, Herbalists, Body Workers, and Acupuncturists, specializing in healing trauma and resolving chronic stress conditions.

Karen Henderson, MPH, LMT, SEP, BCST, RH(AHG)
Karen Henderson, MPH, LMT, SEP, BCST, RH(AHG)
Karen is the Veterans Resiliency Holistic Clinic Coordinator and a holistic health practitioner who integrates sound science, traditional wisdom and intuition in motivating others towards wellness. Her passion is assisting clients with releasing symptoms of physical and emotional trauma from the body and restoring nervous system regulation and resilience. Karen is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (BCST), Clinical Herbalist (RH-AHG) with a Master of Science Degree in Therapeutic Herbalism, Certified Health Coach and has a Master of Science Degree in Public Health (MPH). Her training and personal experience with PTSD brings a combination that helps those experiencing the dis-ease of trauma.
Jared Smyser, Certified Wellness Coach
Jared Smyser, Certified Wellness Coach
Jared Smyser served in the United States Marine Corps for nine years, deploying to Iraq and Central and South America. He held numerous jobs in the Marine Corps, including Artillery Section Chief, Martial Arts Instructor, Aviation Supply Expediter, and Vehicle Commander, running convoy-security missions throughout Iraq in 2005. After returning home and experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress, Jared became curious, and eventually very passionate, about alternative medicine, to include mindfulness, yoga, nutrition, and exercise, to name a few. He began practicing and making changes in his life and saw many benefits, which inspired him to pursue a career where he could share what he found with others. In 2012, he was honorably discharged and began working with the Mind Fitness Training Institute, training a variety of high stress civilian and military audiences in Mindfulness-based resilience skills. Jared has a bachelor’s degree in Digital Cinematography from Full Sail University and founded Still and Motion Art, a photography and videography company. He is a certified wellness coach through the Spencer Institute, a singer and songwriter, and is dedicated to helping others by sharing his many passions and and gifts.

Alexandra Whitney, PhD, SEP
Alexandra Whitney, PhD, SEP
Since 2018, Alexandra has worked closely with Dr. Peter A. Levine’s Ergos Institute of Somatic Education and Somatic Experiencing® International (SEI) to develop an effective Somatic Experiencing® - based retreat protocol for the treatment of combat and military service related PTSD. Alexandra is also the Principal Investigator for the Returning Home Project. A quantitative research study that is based on the 2019 Returning Home retreat that took place in Northport, Maine. The preliminary data from this study suggests positive clinical outcomes. The study will conclude with its findings in July 2020.